Day 05/06 Strzelecki Track
Target birds along the Strzelecki Track were the Thick-billed and Eyrean Grasswrens, Letter-winged Kite, Cinnamon Quail-thrush and Gibberbird. All bar the LWK were seen though not necessarily photographed. Grasswrens are FAST!Here is a collection of presentable images of birds photographed in chronological order over two days.
Black-breasted Buzzard Hamirostra melanosternon
Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike Coracina novaehollandiae
Budgerigar Melopsittacus undulatus
Chirruping Wedgebill Psophodes cristatus
Cinnamon Quail-thrush Cinclosoma cinnamomeum
Galah Eolophus roseicapilla albiceps
Little Crow Corvus bennetti
Nankeen Kestrel Falco cenchroides
Orange Chat Epthianura aurifrons
Spiny-cheeked Honeyeater Acanthagenys rufogularis
Willie Wagtail Rhipidura leucophrys
Zebra Finch Taeniopygia guttata
Banded Whiteface Acephalocephala nigricincta
Gibberbird Ashbyia lovensis
Peaceful Dove Geopelia placida
Pied Honeyeater Certhionix variegatus
Red-browed Pardalote Pardalotus rubricatus
White-breasted Woodswallow Artamus leucorynchus
White-plumed Honeyeater Ptilotula penicillata
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