Thursday, 20 April 2017

Broome Roadtrip 07

Stirling Range Retreat is an excellent place to stay. Unpowered campsites through to mud-brick, self-contained cottages, all set in acres of bush within sight of the Stirling Ranges. Birds are not the only attraction in the vicinity. The flora is special too -- wildflowers and orchids are a speciality. I confined myself to the birds, getting up before dawn and walking the tracks of the Retreat. I had a few target birds. Carnaby's Black-Cockatoo, Red-capped Parrot, Elegant Parrot.

I was there in late November towards the end of the grain harvest. This means grain trucks [semis and B-doubles] and thus plenty of grain lying on roadsides. My first morning walk took me out onto the main road at about 06hr30. Just a few parroty birds further down the road so I did a bit of stalking and, to my delight, found RCP, EP, Regent Parrots and Ringnecks all together. I tried very hard to get all four species in one photo but three was the limit. Tick. Tick.

Australian Ringneck, Regent Parrot, Regent Parrot, Red-capped Parrot, Ringneck, Red-capped Parrot.

Red-capped Parrots Purpureicephalus spurius, male
Red-capped Parrot Purpureicephalus spurius, male
Red-capped Parrot Purpureicephalus spurius, female/juvenile?
Regent Parrots Polytelis anthopeplus, female L, male R 
Regent Parrots Polytelis anthopeplus, female front, male back
Regent Parrot Polytelis anthopeplus, male
Elegant Parrot Neophema elegans, female
Elegant Parrot Neophema elegans, female
Elegant Parrot Neophema elegans, male
Elegant Parrot Neophema elegans, female
Elegant Parrot Neophema elegans, female
Elegant Parrot Neophema elegans, female
Elegant Parrot Neophema elegans, female
Elegant Parrot Neophema elegans, female

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