Monday, 8 June 2015

NT Road Trip 2015: Part 07

Day 07 -- Chambers Pillar to Alice Springs

It is only 150 kms or so to Alice Springs along a very good road. We arose, I did some birding, we packed up, drove around to the Chambers Pillar car park and walked to the pillar and around it. The pillar isn't the only jump-up with a hard rock layer on top. There are several others within a kilometre or two. This one below, caught at 0718am, has a walking trail around it.

Viewed from the east or west side, the pillar is less pillar-ish!

There were birds there. Budgerigars are always photogenic. Here is a single male with his blue cere.

Budgerigar Melopsittacus undulatus
This species of parrot, the Mulga Parrot Psephotus varius, is beautiful. This is a female.

Mulga Parrot Psephotus varius
The male is much more colourful. I think they are splendid. In the first image, he is in shadow but isn't covered by stick shadows as in the second image. The second bloke just would not move. Perhaps he thought I couldn't see him.

On our walk around Chambers Pillar, we spotted a Central Military Dragon. He was extremely obliging allowing us to photograph him from all angles over four to five minutes, then he hopped up on his legs and sped off into the spinifex bushes further along the track.

Central Military Dragon Ctenophorus isolepis
Magic. f22 and be there.

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